33. A driver may use an electronic recording device for recording duty status if(1) the information contained in the electronic recording device is the same as the information that would have been provided if it had been submitted as a daily log in paper format;
(2) the device is capable of displaying(a) the hours of driving and other hours of service for each day on which the device is used;
(b) the total hours of service remaining and the total hours of service accumulated in the cycle being followed by the driver; and
(c) the sequential changes in duty status and the time at which each change occurred for each day on which the device is used;
(3) when requested to do so by a peace officer or an inspector, the driver can immediately provide the information for the previous 14 days by producing it on a digital display screen of the electronic recording device or in handwritten form or on a print-out or any other intelligible output, or any combination of these;
(4) the driver is capable, if so requested by a peace officer or an inspector, of preparing a handwritten daily log from the information stored in the device for each day on which the device is used;
(5) the operator provides blank daily log forms in the heavy vehicle for the driver’s use;
(6) the device automatically records when it is disconnected and reconnected and keeps a record of the time and date of these occurrences;
(7) the device records the time spent in each duty status of the driver; and
(8) any daily log in paper format that is generated from the information that is stored in the device is signed on each page by the driver attesting to its accuracy.